Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Rainbow

My first toy post!

Composed of: This is a homemade toy made from popsicle sticks, jute twine, S.S. wire, pony beads, and two green bells.

Rating: 10/10, I love the bells! I've played with them so much that the color is beginning to chip off of them. Mel will have to replace them for me soon. I don't care much for the popsicle sticks, as it was the intended purpose for the toy, but i do use them to swing the bells back over toward me when they are too far. ^_^

Mel's Comments: Tedious to make, drilling all those holes in the sticks. However, S.S. wire is the only way to make it stay in that "rainbow" shape. I tried to make it with jute twine instead of wire and it just flopped over. This is not a "full" rainbow, because a full one would be really big. Chewers would enjoy this.

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